
Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Power of Prayer

Just last night, around 3 AM, I woke up and couldn't get back to sleep. I tossed and turned for over 30 minutes. I tried drinking a glass of milk and listening to sound of the fan. This wasn't working. I needed to get back to sleep soon or I was gonna be very VERY grumpy the next day. Finally, I got down on my knees. After I was finished I crawled back into bed and within a few minutes I was asleep. I slept soundly till morning.

In the last 5 years, I've gained a knowledge and testimony of the love, power, and strength that comes from sincere and heart felt prayer. 

Each time I open the lines of communication, I learn a little bit more about the gospel. Through strengthening my relationship with Heavenly Father I have a greater knowledge of who He is, who I am and of my purpose, and what I can do to be more like Him.

"I know of the readiness of our Father to assist us in our mortal experience, to teach us, to lead us, to guide us.... We each have so much need for his help as we seek to learn gospel truths and then live them, as we seek his help in the major decisions of our lives, decisions involving schooling, marriage, employment, place of residence, raising our families, serving with each other in the work of the Lord, and seeking his forgiveness and continual guidance and protection in all we do. Our list of needs is long and real and deeply felt." - President Spencer W. Kimball
While pouring my heart to the Lord, I've felt the love and peace that the Holy Ghost brings. Through prayer, I have witnessed the cleansing pour of the atonement. I've gained my own testimony of Jesus Christ and his infinite power and love for me.

Many decisions in my life have been made because of the inspiration I received while on or shortly after being on my knees.  Each of these decisions have brought forth many blessings and greater happiness.

I often think of Daniel and the story of the lions den. I'm grateful that I live in a country of religious freedom, where I can pray freely without fear of being persecuted.

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